
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference
Physical Name : TR_DV_PRFC

The record of the Customer's preferences for the delivery of the goods purchased in a particular RetailTransaction.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
RetailTransactionDeliveryPreferenceID (PK) A unique system allocated identifier for the record of the Customer's preferences for the delivery of the goods purchased in a particular RetailTransaction. ID_DV_PRFC Identity integer
DeliverySequenceOrderCode (PK) Indicates the relative order for the execution of this delivery instruction. IC_DV_ORD Code2 char(2)
ShipToName The name of the party to whom the delivery is made. NM_SHP_TO Name varchar(40)
ShipToAddressID (FK) A unique system allocated identifier for the Address to which the delivery is made. ID_ADS_SHP_TO Identity integer Address(LO_ADS)
EmailAddressID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for an electronic address for sending messages. ID_EM_ADS Identity integer EmailAddress(LO_EML_ADS)
TelephoneID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for this Telephone number ID_PH Identity integer Telephone(LO_PH)
PreferredServiceLevelCode A retailer defined code denoting which level of delivery service is to be used when making the delivery. Examples include: Express, Ground, Overnight. TY_LV_SV_PRFC Code2 char(2)
PreferredDateTime The preferred delivery date & time TS_DV_PRFC AuditDateTime datetime
RequiredPaymentAmount How much is required to be paid for COD shipment? MO_PYM_RQ MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
PaymentMethodCode A retailer defined code denoting which payment method was used when paying for a COD shipment. LU_PYM_MTH Code2 char(2)
SpecialInstructions Narrative text, giving special delivery instructions. NA_INST_SPL DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Address is preferred address for RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference
Telephone is contact for RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference
EmailAddress is contact for RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference
RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference contains RetailTransactionDeliveryPreferenceItem

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